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Home > 9 Point Checklist for Trailer Legislative Requirements

To help prevent a rig from being impounded or prevented by officials from operating on public roads, we have devised a 9 point checklist focusing on the most commonly enforced legislative requirements of trailers.

The regulations for trailers span 50 odd regulations over 20 pages of the National Road Traffic Act 93 of 1996 and are often a major cause of delays due to non-compliance.

This 2 minute 9 Point Checklist can save an operator of a trailer hours or even days in potential down time

  1. Front of trailer – Two white reflectors must be placed on each side of front of trailer within 150mm of the sides.
  2. Sides – At least 60% of each side must have a visible strip of SABS approved reflective tape.
  3. Rear – Rear of trailer must have 2 red reflectors positioned within 150mm from the side of each trailer. The bumper must also have a full length of reflective tape. Chevron board must be fitted.
  4. Electrics – Stop, indicator and tail light functions must be working and clearly visible. Number plate lights should be on each side of number plate. If side marker lights are fitted, these must all be in working order.
  5. Registrations – V.I.N. plate (makers plate), number plate and licence discs must be present and valid.  Unless trailer is specially classified, there should be 2 types of discs – operator’s card and Licence Disc + Roadworthy Certificate.
  6. Air connections – Quick release couplers must be permanently fixed to trailer so that air pipes can be easily removed.
  7. Overall dimensions – Unless under exemption permit, heights must not exceed 4.3m and widths must not exceed 2.6m. Lengths for a semi-trailer arrangement bumper to bumper cannot exceed 18.5m and semi-trailer links must not exceed 22m. Rigid vehicles (e.g. truck with body) must not exceed 12.5m.
  8. V.I.N markings on chassis – ensure the trailers’ V.I.N. has been clearly hard stamped on to the chassis, preferably near the V.I.N. plate.
  9. Mud flaps – The gap between ground and bottom of mud flap must be less than 200mm. The width of mud flap must exceed overall tyre width by at least 300mm.

