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Special Report on Medium Trucks and Big Panel Vans.

In the special feature we report on the market in this segment. The trend showed that sales of medium commercial vehicles in SA were on a decline in the first two months of 2014 after strong growth a year previously.

January-February 2013 had been 8,3% higher than the 1 579 medium trucks

Medium Trucks and Big Panel Vans

The 1 691 units sold in January and February 2014 was a decrease of 1,2% over sales in the same period in 2013, while that figure of 1 710 units for January-February 2013 had been 8,3% higher than the 1 579 medium trucks and vans sold in the first two months of 2012.

This fall in the sales of medium commercial vehicles (3 501-8 500kg GVM) is in line with a general slowdown in the economy, and similar to the trend that that was evident in the heavy truck segment (8 500-16 500kg GVM), where sales slumped by 6,3%.

Tristan Wiggill
Special Features Editor at Business Fleet Africa